police officer support

An Armored Wife’s Prayer

There were many nights my husband drove away and I didn’t know what to say.  I was caught in that fight between fear and shrugging it off because it was “just his job”.  Many times I’ve asked for protection, for angels, for wisdom, and safety, but somehow all these prayers seemed to fall short of what I believed I should really be praying.  I based the following prayer off the Armor of the Lord, and I hope that as you pray this over and for your husband you feel the peace of the Lord comfort you, knowing he is protected by The One that loves him far more than you do.

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An Armored Wife’s Prayer

Lord, please keep my husband strong in faith and in your mighty power. Place your full armor over him, so that he can take his stand against the devil’s schemes. His fight is not against the corrupt and deplorable humans of this world, but against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. God, I ask that you armor him so that when he faces evil, he may be able to stand his ground. Help him to stand firm with the belt of truth securely surrounding him. With the bullet proof vest of righteousness in place, protecting his heart from deception and keeping him pure.  Keep his feet firmly planted with readiness in the gospel of peace.  Please build his faith and remind him to raise the shield that protects him from any fear, doubt, and worry satan may throw his way. Let his head be covered by your salvation, which is his assurance in Christ Jesus and let it protect him from discouragement and doubt.  Let his gun be a reminder of the word of God, which is a solid and invaluable defense against the enemy.  Spirit lead him in communication with you, because you alone are his commander and you alone can lead him to victory.  Please provide him with the strength, wisdom, and courage he needs to stand against the enemy, and fulfill the calling of officer you have placed on his heart.

6 thoughts on “An Armored Wife’s Prayer

  1. Awesome. Will be praying for your ministry and pray blessings on you, your husband and your family. As a police Chaplain I feel sure I will be recommending your site as well and will use the prayer (with permission) as led. Thank you for what you are doing.


  2. is this blog site still active? I think it is a wonderful idea–especially if you are willing to get real with both the “support your husband” and the dark side that comes for some of us. Nobody really wants to talk about their problems.


    1. Hi Jennifer, thank you for stopping by. I haven’t posted in a long while, mostly due to the craziness that has been my life. But it’s been heavy on my heart to make some updates and keep posting. I know the important of sharing the truth behind the job and the difficulties it brings. You are right, nobody wants to talk about it which is why the problem is perpetuated. There is a very dark side that can only be fought with the light of Jesus.


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